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IRA Consulting's team offers a new approach to business communications. As a leading international sales professional for over 27 years, Ira has trained thousands of sales, customer service and collections professionals throughout North America, Europe and Australia. He has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues for several major corporations, including one of America's fastest growing privately held companies.


The numbers speak for themselves. And nowhere do they speak louder than they do for Ira. His on-site consulting has increased sales for one company from $8 to $40 million. Consulting in domestic and international collections, Ira's team reduced bad debt from 9% of annual sales to less than 2%, saving a small company $5 million a year.


Now Ira's expertise can work for you. Contact Ira Consulting to see how quickly a new approach to your business communications , independent agent recruitment can enhance your companies  productivity and increase job satisfaction. Your company deserves nothing less. Develop your company's most important "natural" resource, your people.


With Debbie Brill bi-lingual is a leading member of the team. Her personal success in sales has been the top producer in every company where she has worked. She has been setting high sale records year after year. Her consulting skills will share the steps to success and inspire your teams  to be consistent top performers.

Ira Roffel President 
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Debbie Brill Director of Agent Development
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